July 30, 2010

A few good men indeed

Watched an all time classic - A Few Good Men yesterday. It never fails to inspire me and drive home a point that a culture, a group, a society, or a team can be so tight that they follow a code, which though hurting, is acceptable. It's about wearing a patch in your arm to claim a piece of honor.

Startups are constantly faced with this struggle of finding the right people who can commit themselves to a proposition that can hurt sometimes. It's not easy fighting - but I guess its this fact that motivates a young team. I've been fortunate enough to work with so many different people, and at every stage I've seen and experienced a different level of this pride. The fact that not everyone can do it is pretty 'bookish'. And it goes against the very instinctive need to be comfortable, safe, and loved.

But as Mr. Godin says - if you really gotta cross the dip, get out of your comfort zone. Cause that's where the cherries grow.

June 27, 2010


They say when you get cancer - everyone around you gets it as well. Adapted from a novel by Jodi Picoult, the story revolves around a 13 yr old, her siblings, her parents, and her cancer.

A struggle with the concept of the inevitable death, the ever-lingering 'hope for a miracle', and the ability to be bigger than yourself is what this is all about. It's tough to stick up for yourself in this bad world. It's tougher to stick up for someone else than yourself.

Not only is the story very mature, everyone part of the screenplay have pushed the boundaries of creativity.

An absolute must for people who can appreciate there exists entertainment beyond shakrukh's wide arm raises and sallu's chiseled physique. Truly a wonderful experience.

May 19, 2010

Why a loss brings perspective

One of the most admirable things about death is that it teaches you the value of life. It's just a matter of time before everyone you love will go - it's advisable you spend time and do what you always wanted to do with them NOW - don't wait.

You'll never be able to live with the guilt that you missed saying those precious words.

April 20, 2010

Vikas n Sunil (Part II)

Sorry for the sudden break in the story. Here's the continuation of Vikas and Sunil's love affair. Grounded - but love affair none the least.

2 weeks have gone by since Vikas left a copy of his 67 slides. Heck - he even left the flash drive on the table.

He's called Sunil's office 8 times in the last 4 days. His 4 row excel sheet tells him that. Crapucash is right on the top - marked in green. the other 3 VC firms dont' seem to be interested. Its obvious Crapucash is closest to a sale. Vikas' dream of a 4 wheeler just jumped about 600 cc of engine power. What was earlier a Swift or a i20 has now gone to a City or even a Skoda - if he gets his valuations.

Today Vikas is determined to get Sunil on the phone. He calls up Sunil's office.

A pretty voice - 'Crapucash how may i help'
Vikas - ah..umm... this is Vikas. Is Sunil there.

Voice - Are you looking for Sunil Kapoor ?
Vikas - hmm

Voice - I'm sorry - he's left for the day
Vikas - its 10 am. What time he came into office - 4 am?

Voice - I'm sorry - can i take a message
Vikas - ah...umm...sigh...its ok

Voice - thank you
Vikas - grump...


Vikas slumped in his chair. He's not sure why Sunil isn't interested. He was so excited the other day. Little does Vikas know Sunil was excited cause he was meeting a hot blond who happened to be in Mumbai that day - he was just hoping to catch some action.

Today is the 19th day since Sunil met Vikas. Vikas is beginning to get insecure. He's not sure if this is going to go through. There are no customers. The fund tank is almost dry. And his 2 engineer buddies have already got 2 job offers each. Tough tough tough.

Sunil picks up the Economic times on his way to office. Its like a routine. The headline catches his attention.

'Crapucash invests USD 300 million in Infoclit - a IT infrastructure management company'

Vikas is crushed. He's not sure if the papers got it right. Sunil told him they had no money. 300 M is quite a contrast.

As Vikas races to his office - he dials Sunil's office from his phone. His phone's screen is cracked. So he has to look at the number against the sun. The pretty voice takes the call and informs him that Sunil is busy with an interview. She tells him the she will give him the message.

Vikas sits in his chair staring at 2 computer screens when the phone rings. Its Sunil on the other line.

Sunil - Hey Vikas
Vikas - Hey Sunil. How are you doing?

Sunil - good good. You heard about our investment? We have been waiting for such an opportunity to come by for ages !
Vikas - really ? What returns are you expecting over the next 5 years?
Sunil - Man - Infoclit is huge and they're gonna be bigger. We're looking at a 5-7% annual growth on this asset over the next 5 years.

Vikas - so that means the USD300 M should be about 380M or at most 400M in 5 years.
Sunil - yeah - that's a certainty

Vikas - my business proposition could have taken USD 200 to at least USD 1M in a year.
Sunil - Really?

Vikas - yeah. our solution is a perfect fit for Cisco's XION series A hotspots. Its a direct fit.
Sunil - hmmm. You wanna talk about it?

Vikas - ok. When is a good time for you - i can come down to meet with you.

Sunil - Sure. Let me check my calendar. Do one thing. Talk to suzanne and setup a meeting sometime next week. I'm sure we can do something together. Incidentally - also get along a nice presentation - something that I can refer to later and talk to my colleagues about it.

Vikas didn't quite get it. But quickly the dots joined. He could bet Sunil didn't even know who he was or what the hell he was talking about. Just 19 days back Sunil had witnessed a 67 deck presentation about how Vikas had struck gold with an opportunity.

March 25, 2010

Entrepreneur Vs. VC - mock discussion

Our fella Vikas has a brilliant new idea. So much so that he feels he's gonna make a kill out of it. He's got time with Sunil - head of Crapucash Partners - a VC firm that's been setup to explore 'new opportunities' from India.

Brief on the 2 individuals:

Sunil - IIT, IIM, ICBS, QST, LMN and XYZ. He's 30 and believes he's been there and done that. Twice. His Rolex keeps him on top of his schedule and his iPhone ensures he can update people with his whereabouts in the world. Travel is status for him.

Sunil was with this up and coming investment bank in New York where he was staring at 4 X 30 in screens for 12 hours a day and being paid super well for it. Crapucash partners was formed when his company was 'sold off' for an unspecified amount to GS. With a 0.03% holding - he and his 3 other friends pooled in cash and returned to India with about USD 1 M in their bank accounts. However, because he has the telephone numbers of 300 wealthy folks on the west coast, crapucash partners claims to have a fund size of USD 5 Billion !!

Vikas is a young and energetic geek who's figured out a way of level 5 wifi security through a 5MB patch on any hardware. Enough said.
Let's go straight to the conference room scene where Vikas is about to meet Sunil for the first time.

- - - -

Vikas is entering the conference room and his heart is pounding. He's spent the last 6 months making a presentation in powerpoint that will make Crapucash give him all their money. He's confident but anxious. Time to go...

Vikas: Good morning Sunil sir
Sunil: Good morning Vikas - call me Sunil. In fact in Californeeeya - they kawled me Sun ! Snort snort..sniff sniff

Vikas: ?? (the look is not a look of question - its the look of awe. Vikas just saw the rolex. )

Sunil: So tell me Vikas - what's your idea
Vikas: I have a presentation sir. I mean sunil - i mean Sun - sorry Sunil.

Sunil: Chill man. You seem nervous.

(Vikas just cusses Sunil beneath his breath - of course i'm nervous. Your rolex will pay off my rent for the next 2 years)

Vikas starts his presentation. Sunil is impressed at the speed at which Vikas punched in his username and password. The desktop looks awesome. It's got a nice clean look. Sunil has never seen such a desktop before.

Sunil - man your desktop is nice. What are you using? Does Windows 2007 ship with this theme?
Vikas - Its Linux.

Sunil cringes. Linux ... yuck !

Vikas starts his 67 slider presentation. tick tock...

3 hours have gone by. We're on slide 49.

Sunil: Vikas - this is interesting. But you know we've pretty much maxed out our investments for the year.
Vikas: English please.

Sunil: What i mean is that we have no money to invest.
Vikas: But I dont need much. All i need is INR 80 Lacs. Its all i need to start off my plan.

Sunil: F$(# ! Your investment size is only 80 L? That's like USd 200K. Why didn't you tell me this earlier?
Vikas: I thought i'll tell you about my product and its earning potential. I thought you'll be very excited that my product has a USD 2 Billion market. And we can start off with just USD 200K.

Sunil: Look Vikas. I've been in this for a looooooooong time. And i can tell you that USD 200K will get you nowhere. You need to think big.
Vikas: But you haven't yet heard of my financials.

Sunil: No no - that's not the point. You see - one of the first things they teach you at ...

Suddenly Sunil's phone rings. It's got his child's laughter as the ringtone. Sunil takes the call and steps towards the window with his one finger pointing the sky. Vikas looks on in amazement.

Sunil: ahan... hmm.... ok..ok....cool.... sure... ok ...catchya later man...

Vikas is thinking what can get him to do such cool things.

Sunil: Vikas - i'll tell you what. Leave a copy of your presentation with me. I'd like to spend sometime with it. I think this could be interesting.
Vikas: ok great. (vikas can't contain his excitement. If this goes through - he'll be able to buy a new car)

Sunil: Listen - i gotta rush. Am meeting an old friend for lunch.
Vikas: Sure - thanks for your time.

Sunil: No problem.

Sunil gives a broad smile, takes out his iPhone and quickly dials a number while he exits the conference room. Vikas starts packing his laptop. He is proud and happy. Sunil must have loved the product. Otherwise he wouldn't ask for the presentation.

Vikas believes he's struck gold - at last !

March 19, 2010

Taking photography seriously

Just got myself a new toy - a shiny DSLR from Canon. For the ones who aren't familiar with DSLRs - they are just regular cameras - yeah like the ones our grandparents had ! The only difference is they have some fancy electronics, maybe an LCD screen and far far better optics.

So i'm now experimenting with friends like ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed, and learning the art of light management. You can follow my photostream to stay updated with what i'm upto !

Alternative to Chrome

Have just moved to Chrome and was trying to figure out an alternative to ScribeFire. BlogThis was supposed to do the trick - but it wasn't working.

Figured out that it does not work on HTTPS pages !! Har Har... !

January 12, 2010

CGPA Teaching

Teach for India is looking for applications. They want people to contribute and commit to socially equipping India's illiterate population. Sounds impressive...

So i merrily plod along and visit their website to see if I could contribute weekends. I check out the application form and guess what - there are pages (multiple of em) asking for your school and college CGPA. Now i've never been a scorer in school n college but i'm thinking to myself - I've just been made to realize that without good scores I cannot contribute (its a story we're all too familiar with - and with 3 Idiots on the screens - you've definitely been touched by it)

Though the venture is spectacular - they fail at exactly the same place where many examiners have failed - testing the caliber and exploiting it. CGPA is soooooo wrong a way of measuring potential.

Sure India is a big country and selection by elimination comes naturally - but even so, there is no excuse for building a social impact without all spokes of the wheel. You could end up with 30 teachers who are all high scorers in school but none of them can teach children the devastating effects of alcohol abuse.

Part me thinks Teach for India wants academic geeks cause they don't want to 'risk' it. Betting on an academician is safer than betting on a non-academician. You should read the way people are discussing it on Facebook - its like they're all preparing for a job interview ! I mean we've missed the social aspect of completely or what !

Teach for India - if you are reading this - there's a reason you're missing out on the AWESOME applications. Good teachers are high on experience (life or otherwise) not high on academic scores. Start looking at the most unusual places - you'll find a wealth of willing minds who would like to contribute to this social cause. (Unless of course you're planning to start a school - just a regular school ! :) )