December 09, 2005

That fateful day ...

                                      Throughout school and college i have been someone of a loner (at least with the women). Its perhaps because of my continous battle with the carbohydrates or my arrogance towards the superiority of my sex.
i dont know why but sometimes god punishes you by treating you to the most wonderful of tastes, smells and feel. In other words, i have had the most memorable days of my life in agony, pain and loneliness.                                     
I was travelling to Delhi to be a part of a loving union between my sister and her TBH (to be hubby). They have been somewhat resillient towards the various societal and peer pressures they faced when they decided to take the plunge - and hence cleary classify as my heroes.
I had started smoking then and smoking on platforms was legal (at least i believed so). I am standing and smoking and see this sweet girl sitting on a Railway post with her friends. They are all giggling n laughing. I am smoking. She doesnt even see me. I saw her and said to myself - 'cute'. but i know women like her are way over my league. They deserve better. (is this getting too senti ... ?)
Anyways - so i enter my Sleeper compartment and see that she is entering the same compartment. For a sec i was a little ecstatic. Its not everyday that you have cute girls travellign with you right ? But because i had ticked off god when i was 3 - he decided to get back at me at this very moment. Some old UNCLE comes and requests me if i can change seats with him. So now she is sitting ONE seat away from me - but i have to now shift almost 30 seats away. The signs were clear - the universe was protecting her from me ....
Jhelum Express leaves Pune at 5:30 pm and reaches delhi at 9 pm the next day. I sleep off on my 'exchanged birth'. The next day around 10, the same polite UNCLE comes and says - 'Beta you can go sit at your original place'. I didnt know if i should be happy or sad - but i guess god must have had pity on me or somethign. I go back and see her sitting. She of course didnt notice me - and even if she did - didnt really care ! heh heh ...
Today after 4 years of being together - i just wonder what are the chances of you purchasing your train ticket at the SAME time and for the SAME day's travel , just as your to-be-wife purchases it.