March 02, 2009

Audacity of Hope

I was trying to think of how did he manage to swing a presidential vote towards him when the odds were stacked up against him right from the start. Here are a few very interesting points i noticed:

- Obama SOLD his story. He sold and sold and sold to every single American. The scale of direct sales was spectacular.

- He had a team of very smart political advisors who gave him the right advice at the right time. Though McCain and Clinton both tried to slew him, Obama's camp maintained a tight composure and ensured the 'purpose' was never lost. In fact in his head to head debate with McCain, Obama was surprisingly calm, collected and downright witty. McCain on the other hand was talking like a beauty pageant contestant.

- Obama leveraged his oration. He is an eexcellent speaker and he's learnt it the hard way.

- His color was a great standoff. Americans to a fair extent are sick of what's happening. This was a right time to 'Suggest' a change - a change in color, creed, policies and most importantly - an office administration. Had Clinton's camp run the 'CHANGE IS HERE' message, i'm fairly confident obama wouldn't have had such an easy run.

In the end, Obama's camp emerged victorious due to multiple factors. But the victory just goes on to prove that a well planned and alert campaign can generate far better results than a campaign built on previous successes.