January 12, 2009

Monthly Roundup

Time for my Monthly Roundup (Dec 08 + Jan 09):


I am Legend

Very scary concept - but surely a nice movie to watch. A little creepy - what if it comes true. But i was hoping it will stay away from Resident Evil kinda concept.


Mind Blowing. Probably cause the sad name made me think it'll be a loser movie. Great speed throughout the movie. CIA the hero once again !

Yes Man

Jim Carey is getting into a habit of doing loser-turned-hero acts. Very predictable and just about manageable as a movie.

Burn after Reading

I'm surprised how Hollywood can make money from such an intelligent humor flick. I doubt it many an Indian will get the humor. It's too subtle - but hats off to Brad Pitt - his character is lovable and irritating at the same time.

Wall E

Disney + Pixar - that should settle it. Absolutely mind blowing. A keeper !

Resident Evil - Degeneration

This is Animation - sheer brilliance of it. It seems its pulled off by some US based design agency - fantastic work. Story is a bit off - too much larger than life, but hey - its all fiction.


Scott Stapp - The Great Divide

When Scott says CREED IS SCOTT STAPP - you must argue. Mark's absence was so apparent. But the music is crisp - cant say that about the entire album though. Surround Me and Sublime are the tracks to put into your iPod. Scott's voice is still the same - beautiful. Lots of people didn't like Creed and dont like Scott - but hey what can i say - i'm a true fan.  (Try it out here for FREE)

ACDC - Black Ice

Disappointing  to say the least. I was expecting better from this sincere classic rock band. That's the problem when you set the performance bar at that level ! Runaway train was what caught my fancy upfront. I'll be hearing more of the album to comment better.