October 05, 2005

Opportunity Cost ....

Dear Reader,

Thou shall be pleased to hear that THY shallth be boring you with OUTSOURCING as the topic of this article.

Why is it just a BIG word and wats the concept really. Lots of you who read this would be convinced that they understand every detail of this phenomenon and swear on your forefathers that you could start off the next INFOSYS if given the right money and the opportunity, After all its just a BODY SHOP (its a fancy word for all of you who are ignorant to this concept - it has no connection to 'Prostitution')

Waise i am not here to tell u wat OUTSOURCING means exactly. (I mean every kid on the street knows that - even though he doesnt know who the president of India is !) I wanted to share my understanding of what this phenomenon has done to India as a country. Lets not get into the economic upping this funda has done or the fact that the sensex crossed 8800 last nite ! Wat this is about is - Opportunity.

Yes - Opportunity. There was a time when the Civil Services was considered to be the ideal profession. All the kids wanted to become Civil Servants. Then came the Defence Services. Now everyone wanted to be in Uniform. Then was the time of the Ambanis and the Birlas. People who were front page headlines and people who were the news (not just made them). This Era is what drives the kids of Today. Its all about MONEY honey ! In all these eras, the people who shape the future (Youth) looked for security, and ready made feeding!

Aaaaaaaaand then came Narayan Murthi. The dude who pretty much changed this country's repute in the international community. India was known to be a country rich in culture and spices. (None of which EVER made us rich cause the brits sorta took it away)

Today about 95% of the Indian 'IT Industry' does nothing else but 'Offshore'. Why is that - cause what we have learnt is invaluable. India has a strength that no other country in the WORLD has ...
Exceptionally high Intellectual Capital, Abundant workforce, Hungry Kids willing to work for peanuts. And most importantly the mindset that its OKAY to be working for a country much lesser in IP and even lesser in talent.... strange eh ?

All said and done we are a remarkable tribe. We have braved plundering Mughals, Ravaging but Politically upfront Brits, Arrogant Bureaucracy, immoral Politicians, Failing infrastructure and lastly the dawn of wealth in the hands of the selected few. But we still go on - cause we are Indians. Probably the most resilient tribe on this earth. Its a shame the Vikings never decided to settle here.